A/A - Normal Agouti
A/a - Carries Melanistic (Non-agouti)
a/a - Melanistic
Apb/A -Carries copy of ALC Agouti gene
Apb/a - Expresses Charcoal Phentotype
Apb/Apb - Considered Charcoal but usually lacks the dark cape present in Apb/a
C/C - Does not carry or express
C/cs - Carries Seal Lynx
C/cb - Carries Sepia
cs/cs - Seal Lynx
cs/cb - Seal Mink
cb/cb - Seal Sepia
D/D - Does not carry or express
D/d - Carries Dilute
d/d - Dilute (Blue)
I/i - Heterozygous Silver
I/I - Homozygous Silver
i/i - not silver
The 3 basic breed accepted Coat Colors are Brown, Silver and Snow (seal lynx, seal mink and seal sepia) and most recently accepted into TICA is the Charcoal pattern.
Other colors are Blue and Melanistic
All images © 2018 Laurent Jaccard – Bengalcats.co
Within each color category there is also 2 coat patterns.
Also know as Brown (C/C color genes) is one of the most popular colors. The browns can range from very cool tones to very warm golden red tones. Brown colored Bengals will have green, brown or gold colored eyes.
Also known as Snow Lynx (Cs/Cs color genes) with light cream coloring and light to dark seal markings. The eye color is always blue.
Also know as Snow Mink (Cs/Cb color genes) can range from a light cream to darker cream colors with shades of mink that can range from light to dark markings. They will have blue/green or aqua colored eyes
Also known as Snow Sepia (Cb/Cb color genes) light tan colors with darker shades of seal sepia markings. They will have green or gold eye color.
Also know as Silver (I/I or I/i inhibitor genes) is more of a lack of color with a white base coat and dark markings. Silver can be found in other color combinations. They will have green or golden eyes.
Also know as Brown Charcoal (Apb/a agouti genes) a brown/black color with darker markings, a mask and a cape will be present with goggles around the eyes. They can have green, brown or gold colored eyes. The Charcoal pattern can be present in any color class (browns, snows, silvers and even blues)
Also known as Silver Charcoal (Apb/a and I/I or I/i) having a dark greyish coat with dark markings, the charcoal pattern will display a mask and goggles around the eyes with a dark cape down the back. They can have green, brown or yellow eye color.
Also know as Blue (d/d color genes) is not a recognized color but some breeders are trying to promote for championship status. Blue/grey coat with dark blue or grey markings.
Also know as Melanistic (a/a agouti genes) is not a recognized color. Will appear to be solid black but has ghosted markings that can be seen in the daylight. Like a little black panther.